What about a
pre-purchase check - don't buy a hazardous house


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How Does Electro-Pollution Possibly Affect My Health

How to switch Wi-Fi off and on at your router and connected devices

News Flash. Another exceptional movie has been released called Microwaves, Science & Lies. This link takes you to the trailer but I highly recommed that you watch the full movie which can be viewed from the link below the trailer.
Also please watch Take Back Your Power. It is an exposé on Smart Meters and well worth viewing as is Resonance -Beings of Frequency. Both can be viewed by clicking on the link. These are MUST SEE movies.

Articles I Have Written and My Videos

My YouTube Videos  


Videos I Have Been Watching.

Some of these are just part one of a series and I would recommend that you continue on and watch the full series or if you like the speaker find some of their other videos.

Smart Meters and EMR
Dirty Electricity
Cell Phones and Cancer
EMF, EMR and Electro-Sensitivity  

Even French cosmetics manufacturer Clarins recognises the effects of EMR. Clarins_3p-Interview by micro-ondes

Wi-Fi in Schools